Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Entry

I've had an eventful year thusfar and one of my former co-workers said that I should start a blog in order to keep a record of my going ons. So why not?

I graduated from the University almost two years ago now from the Carlson School of Business with a degree in Finance. Upon graduating I immediately accepted a position in Accounts Payable at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the U. While grateful for my time there, about one month ago I announced my resignation.

I'm taking a drastic risk in doing so, but even so I'm happier now than I've been since I started working there. I was miserable there not so much cause I hated the job, but because I didn't feel as though I was in control of my own life. I was living the life I was supposed to live rather than the life I wanted to live, and I felt trapped.

In March something happened that changed the course of my life, I decided that I was moving out of my comfortable living situation and I was going to get a dog. It was shortly after I started looking forward trying to find a job that would truly bring me happiness. Those that know me know I'm a passionate fan of baseball, but having not been any good at the game I wasn't able to turn that into a career....until I thought about the prospects of becoming a professional umpire. This, is entirely what I intend on doing with my life. I have fully committed to the Wendelstedt Umpiring Academy and I couldn't be feeling better about my decision. It is true that this doesn't occur until January and I stupidly jumped the gun on quitting what was a decent job, but I couldn't stay there any longer. Because I knew I wasn't long for the job I lost all interest and was starting to be a burden on the Department and that wasn't fair to my co-workers. So I am as of now, officially unemployed.

I'd like to just quickly mention my first weekend as an unemployed Bum, as it was one of the best of memory. Music has been very important to me for my entire life, and as I've had an awakening of sorts in my life, I've had a similar awakening in my own musical interests. As a result, I just got back from attending the 2010 Lollapalooza Festival where I saw the likes of The Black Keys, The New Pornographers, Mumford & Sons, The Strokes, and a concert I shall never forget in Arcade Fire. Specifically the encore finale was a spiritual experience with other like minded individuals to, what else, Wake Up.

I've taken control of my own destiny and I will sink or swim by my own hand. Knowing this, I'm happier now than I've previously ever been.